Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bye bye Nonno

Today my darling grandpa died. I came down to Hobart on Wednesday to help nurse him in hospital and was fortunate enough to be with him as he died.
He was more than a grandpa - he was my nonno. My sister and i lived with him after my mum died so he was more like a dad. Some how he created a safe haven for us - i now know people can deal with extra-ordinary situations if they feel safe and loved. Without his compassion, support and love i really don't know how i would be. I don't think about it. It just is. I had his interest and support with all i did. I have had a living guardian angel in my Nonno and I will miss his husky voice and pats on my hair with his hands. Ciao for now Joe :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

bye bye bridget

Well the bye-bye bridget campaign officially started today.

Watch the progress on the below link. My fingers are too sore to type ....


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bridget (AKA Sam) gets desperate

United we stand (and shed fat),
divided we fall (and go to plan B - eating lots of fredos)
Ok, I know i have the knowledge to shed a few kilos and shape up, but it just isn't happening. I mean i have been serious now for 3 days and nothing has changed. Infact i am so disheartened i am eating fredo frogs to help me feel better. And feel better i do - gee I love those little frogs...

Anyway this afternoon in a fit of desperation I rang a long time friend Quentin and asked if he would become my personal trainer again (or PT for those in the know). So we start tomorrow. I will be monitoring my progress and you can be my coach and accountability.

Tomorrow at 8am (why do PTs rise so early??) we will take photos of the current, soon to be "old" me. Included will be a cellular health and some measurements. So yes, i am really bearing all. Don't faint - well i promise i won't if you don't.

Trust me, it is a very personal thing showing your love handles, back fat and jelly belly on the internet. But i am determined to prove I am human and can achieve a former happy size 10.

So watch this space.

We will also be running videos, clips and tips on how you to can join in the "Get Fit, lose fat for summer campaign ". Bridget signing off.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sam Beau Patrick meets Bridget Jones

Actually i think i ate Bridget some time over winter - i mean how else did i grow about 2 dress sizes???
OK, in this bare all (well metaphorically speaking) i would like to demonstrate that as a practitioner and professional (and parent) I am brilliant at preaching and not as good as doing ....i am going to share with you my 7 week return to fitness on my "GET FIT, LOSE FAT Campaign."
why share it with you.... because i know many of my clients suffer the same time restraints and temptations that i do. I'm not going to say to suck eggs because none of us need that. What most of us need is a little bit of encouragement and someone coaching us with small carrots that we can grab, not massive dreams that we feel we are not up to.
So I have decided to cut back on the bad things in my life by 10% and increase the good by 7%. This translates to 10% more exercise, and then each week i will increase it again by 10%. whether that is time, distance or frequency. it depends on what tickles my fancy but i can commit to a 10% increase.
For naughty things, i will cut them back by 7%. so 7% less alcohol, 7% less food , 7% less whatever i know if not helping me move forward in either fitness or becoming more lean.

So today i have attached my cellular health for the world to see...... A bit like your accountant showing you their bank balances. i know you have trusted me so i will show you my trust in return. please don't laugh at my cellular age... I know it's bad :(

ok, cellular health to follow when i work out my new modem.

until then please feel free to join in the fun! I am going to lose 7% of body fat in 7 weeks.

i know i will be 10% more healthy (at least) and my age should drop by 7% too.

i will set up a chat space on the web and feel free to chat.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

GET FIT , LOSE FAT for summer Campaign

Yes, its that time again. Just like pengiuns march their way to where every it is they go, like whales migrating up the coast of Australia, it's my annual campaign to get fit and lose weight. Gotta love Spring!!

This is the OLD me, enjoying a sangria last week in Barcelona

I kicked started my get fit, lose fat for summer campaign, with a trip to Europe - which i can highly recommend. It helps you put your life in perspective and come up with wild and out-there plans for the future... they say gold fish can't see the water they are swimming in, or mums can't see the turmoil they're living in, or something like that...

So after coming back from Overseas with the sleep tank tettering on over flowing (prior to the 40 hour flight that is) i re-entered reality with grand plans - jogging, losing weight, starting tennis, continueing waterpolo and learning a language all an equal first priority on the personal front. with equally optimistic items topping the "I'm going to be a better mum" I'm going to be the most famous author" and " i'm going to build extensions" catergories that compose the fun , albeit a little chaotic life that i lead (that is after i decided to simplify my life too).

So a few days into my return i have stopped drinking alcohol (I actually poured 1/2 bottle of red down the sink tonight - it helped that it had turned to vinegar in my abscence), i have attempted 2 embarrassing staggers around the local lake which will hopefully morph into resembling a jog before too long, my shoulders are playing up so i have an excuse in the short term for waterpolo and tennis, and i have put on 2.5kg despite only eating salads and protein. :(

So i will see when i actually start learning German, when i will finish all my grandiose work plans and fortunately the builder can't come around for a quote for 2 weeks.

on the "I'm going to be a better mum" well i've decided that's like trying to fill a bottomless pit. just keep throwing dirt in as you feel you can. it will never be complete. the kids have been great, the sun is shining (a little early - come on Anna Bligh - get us onto day light savings) and they are all asleep - a major coup for 8pm at night....zzzz