boost your immune systems!
This is one of those times in the history of the human race, that we are potentially under threat.
I am all for putting things into context. So let's look at some facts:
1. The number 1 killer in the world is gastro and diarrhoea (due to large numbers in Africa)
2. Large numbers of people (from every nation) die from "flu" (which is influenzae) and other viruses every year
3. Large numbers of people die from bacterial and protozoan infections every year (eg strept B, malaria)
4. Singapore is battling a Denghue fever outbreak with 432 new cases diagnosed just last week! That's 4027 cases this year, compared to 1679 cases for the same period last year.
What can you do:
a. Avoid Mexico (sorry pretty obvious)
b. Boost your immune system (see for more info)
c. Eat well, drink lots of water and rest if you are feeling run down or have swollen glands and achy joints, fevers
d. Avoid people whom have the "flu"
e. try to ventilate your home and work area where possible.
f. seek a medical opinion if you are concerned you are contaminated - letting the receptionist know when you call. They may wish to do a home visit so you don't contaminate the waiting room
Take care, rest well and be careful who you kiss,
health aware Bridget