Friday, April 30, 2010

Multivitamins linked to breast cancer

In recent weeks the media have been discussing the link between taking a multivitamin and breast cancer. While I am shocked, like everyone, the study needs putting in context.

Firstly and foremost. There are many stronger studies proving illness as a consequence of taking something, so don’t be pressured to stop taking your multi-vitamin by someone who is not recently trained in biochemistry and qualified in natural medicine. It’s not their place.

Designs of studies.

The design of a study is very important when interpreting the results.

1. PROOF : I have given an examples where there is a direct causative link that is proven to occur by doing  X. EG: When x = smoking…

If you smoke cigarettes you will end up with lung changes. OR one can say smoking = lung changes.

2. PROVEN RISK FACTORs: Other studies prove a risk factor, For example:

If you don’t breast feed, don’t have children, drink cows milk, and wear under-wires in your bras, you have a higher risk of developing breast cancer (ref H. Lawson – Preventing Breast Cancer).

Another example:

Elevated cholesterol has been shown to increase your likelihood of having a heart attack. But people still have heart attacks with normal cholesterol levels. So there is a proven association but you can not say : ^ cholesterol = heart attack.

3. ASSOCIATIONS are noted in studies incidentally. That means the study was not designed to prove a particular point or may have been looking at a totally different aspect and an association in another area was noted in the results. For example:

People who took a multivitamin appeared to have an increase risk of breast cancer. This was merely an observation.

I will discuss this multi and breast cancer study more in the next blog… HQ

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can you gain 1 kg over the day?

I have many clients who report gaining 1-3 kg on the scales, over one single day!

This massive gain in weight, can only be water! You don't eat that much food in a day and things don't just become "heavier" inside you. It's just water retention.

One major cause of this water retention is NaCl (or plain old table salt) and take aways (and restaurants) are one place you will find ALOT of salt being used.

So, today I read the ingredients of Subways rolls and wraps, in what I thought were "OK" take away alternative.

I have posted the break downs on the website, but basically a meatball 6" sub is 1550 mg of sodium. The RDI for sodium is <2000mg per day!

So what maybe marketed as healthy and low fat, and what we may think is " zone friendly" , is actually not very healthy in another very important contributor to health issues, Western Diets are very high in sodium, which leads to hypertension and kidney failure.

It might be useful to have a sodium-rating so people can at least become educated to the sodium levels of foods. This way if they need to watch for fluid retention as it may precipate Heart Failure, or renal failure, people can make an educated decision.

Hang-overs - what works

Hang-overs, like the sun seems to follow night,especially after a BIG night!

Of course the Health Queen doesn't recommend drinking in excess. I do however have some results that I have gathered after several years of valuable research - not all personal mind.

Ethanol is the active component in fermented drinks (which includes wines, spirits and any other drink where fruit or honey has been distilled and fermented) that can cause euphoria and happiness initially and then leads to a plummet in positive effects, resulting in a headache, nausea, diarrhoea, depression, disturbed sleep and a few other "blah" symptoms.

Ethanol and other additives/chemicals in alcoholic drinks, can cause diuresis (excessive urinating), and dehydration, a lack of Vitamin B (esp B6) , and headaches (probably from the dehydration), vomiting appears to be a direct result of irritation to the stomach (esp common if you don't eat and drink).

Other symptoms such as dizziness, light headedness and excessive salivating mouth are probably due to low blood sugar.

As I mentioned true, double blind placebo controlled studies are slim. However, there appears to be some credence in the following:

- B6

- Electrolyte drinks (while you are drinking alcohol and the next day)

- Some salt on foods

- Sleep (:-)

- Liver herb tablets (no, behave, I am not advocating drinking - it is merely something I might consider)

- Berrocca (To replace the Vitamins that you lose with excessive alcohol)

- Hair of the Dog - doesn't show any HARD core evidence to say it should work, but I have employed the strategy in the past and found it pretty good!

- Oxygen works well.

My favourite (once again I am not advocating that any one drinks, nor drink alcohol in excess however if you should try this...) is sleep... a swim in the ocean, a smoothie, another swim and then another sleep in a dark air-conditioned room , then a yummy meat dish - pig knuckle, roast or Mexican. Salty and vegies being a key ingredient. Lemonade or that terrible stuff called COKE if you are desperate.

Also no kids helps a hang-over go quicker.

Panadol, nurofen - they assist in the first instance but natural hang-over remedies, such as homeopathic sprays, herbals and Magnesium supplements may be just as (if not more) effective.

The most successful remedies include:

- rehydration (esp with electrolyte drinks)

- rest

- salt (to assist in keeping water in your body- obviously not advisable if you have high blood pressure or kidney problems)

A cut and paste job from wiki is...\

"Ineffective or unproven remedies

Recommendations for foods, drinks and activities to relieve hangover symptoms abound. The ancient Romans, on the authority of Pliny the Elder, favoured raw owl's eggs or fried canary.[18] By 1938, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel provided a hangover remedy in the form of a mixture of Coca Cola and milk[19] (Coca-Cola itself having been invented, by some accounts,[20][21] as a hangover remedy). Alcoholic writer Ernest Hemingway relied on tomato juice and beer.[22] Certain mixtures were developed specifically for the purpose. The "Black Velvet" consists of equal parts champagne and flat Guinness Stout,[23] while the "Prairie Oyster" restorative, introduced at the 1878 Paris World Exposition, calls for raw egg yolk mixed with Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, salt and pepper. [24] A 1957 survey by a Wayne State University folklorist found widespread belief in the efficacy of heavy fried foods, tomato juice and sexual activity.[25]

Activities said to be restorative include a shower -- alternating very hot and very cold water,[7] exercise,[8] and steambath or sauna (although medical opinion holds this to be very dangerous, as the combination of alcohol and hyperthermia increase the liklihood of dangerous cardiac arrhythmias).[26]"

Life is short, the day following a hang-over is even shorter!

Drink one for one. One alcoholic bev and one water. Eat some decent food and have a vitamin tablet. Always drink in moderation.

Are you eating any Super foods- Chia

How exciting to be able to eat health! The following has been cut and paste from No real reason why I chose this site - except they have a good summary about the seeds

Adding 3 Teaspoons Per Day* To Your Daily Food Intake Is All You Need to Enjoy The Benefits of Chia: (*based on normal Body Mass Index)

Get the highest levels of plant-sourced Omega-3: Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA). ALA is found mostly in seeds, vegetable oils, and leafy green vegetables. It is converted into EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and then into DHA (Docosahexanoic Acid) in your body. Not all people can efficiently convert ALA into EPA and DHA, but ALA by itself provides a host of benefits. (For more information on ALA, click here.)

Multiply antioxidant activity in your body. Powerful antioxidants from chia seeds work against free radicals that damage millions of our cells by the minute. (For more information on chia's antioxidants, click here.)

Provide your food with all-natural, nutritious dietary fibre (some fibre have minimal nutrition and can interfere with mineral absorption in the gut). A natural, high quality fibre can support weight maintenance goals, and could reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, and diabetes.

Obtain a plant-based complete protein with an amino-acid score of 115%. (Read about the benefits of chia's amino-acids here.)

Provide your diet with a thermogenic aid which boosts your metabolic rate. A thermogenic aid causes your body to produce more than the normal amount of energy, and so burns more calories. (Read it here.)

Provide your diet with favorable Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio (3:1). Currently, most foods found in supermarkets today have ratios of 1:15-30 which increases the risk of inflammation. (Read why you should care about this here.)

Have a good amount of functional food in your daily diet.

V is for Victory

The origins of the perverbial two finger salute, or the reverse V is a trade mark of the late Sir Winston Churchill. It represented the Brits defiance in losing during the war. They were saying "we are victors - take that".

V today is now a drink made by the beverage company Frucos. Based in Auckland, Frucos has a 60% in NZ and a 53% in Australia, line share of energy drinks in 2003.

Since then Mother (Coke-amatil) , Red Bull and other competitors have been challenging it's premium position.

The good, the bad and the ugly.

Firstly a definition of energy drinks....

This is a cut and paste from Wiki and it summarises what I would say anyway:

"Generally, energy drinks include methylxanthines (including caffeine), vitamin B and herbs. Other common ingredients are guarana, acai, and taurine, plus various forms of ginseng, maltodextrin, carbonated water, inositol, carnitine, creatine, glucuronolactone and ginkgo biloba. Some contain high levels of sugar, and many brands also offer artificially-sweetened 'diet' versions. The central ingredient in most energy drinks is caffeine, the same stimulant found in coffee or tea, often in the form of guarana or yerba mate."

The Good with energy drinks:

They give people a "natural high" and can stimulate or arouse senses, liberate glucose (therefore energy) and generally give people a pick up.

The Bad

They contain stimulants (natural or synthetic)! They stimulate your body. Some people are already aroused in a biochemical sense - that is , they are easily excited, suffer anxiety, are low in magnesium, calcium or some other mineral, or have an over active thyroid, or or or .... do you see what I mean. How do you know if you are one of the many people who are already hyper-aroused?

The side effects , if you are sensitve, are quite grabbing.

I remember having a red bull at a breakfast, after a late night, on a conference. By morning tea, I felt like vomiting, was felt light headed and my heart was zipping around. I wasn't sure if it was a hang-over,so I kept quiet and made it home. The following day went to the hospital (as I felt like my heart was still racing).

My heart was still racing and I was in an irregular heart rythym. Stimulants stimulate you. Fast heart rate; high blood pressure; pounding in your head; headache; anxiety; panic; tremour; funny feeling in your arms.... not nice.

The ugly:

The ugly side, is that if you are having an energy drink every day, then you are probably relying on it for stimulation. You may even think of consuming an Energy drink is being "healthy". They can become addictive and your body can become reliant on the adrenal stimulation. Without it, you feel tired, fatigued and run down.

The real issue is , as you probably know, is that you are running on emply and that your current lifestyle patterns are unsustainable.

If you are having more than 2 energy drinks or V per WEEK, then you maybe relying on the stimlution, and may need to re-balance your life with sleep, good food etc...

I haven't worked in Accident and Emergency for awhile (nursing), but we were seeing more people with speed and "stimulant" over doses and they were simply SCARY!

Having young people in hospital, writhing around incoherently, was really scary. We didn't know what we were dealing with... was it drugs; a cerebral haemorrhage; meningitis; an acute viral episode or some bizarre psychotic episode. Sometimes it was the mixing or use of plain old energy drinks.

Trust me, if you are sensitive to coffee, being exited at sports, panic if you run late for an appointment, find panadol make you sleepy, then it is not worth trying V or other energy drinks.

Mother? Is it any good?

Mother is a drink launched by Coca-cola (Amatil) . The ingredients are :

Average quantities per 500ml Serve [2]

* Energy: 975 kJ (233 cal)

* Protein: 0 g

* Fat, total: 0 g

o Saturated: 0 g

* Carbohydrates: 52 g

o Sugars: 52 g

* Sodium: 272 mg

* Caffeine: 160 mg (Gurana extract)

* Niacin (B3): 9.0 mg

* Pantothenic Acid (B5): 3.3 mg

* Vitamin B6: 1.0 mg

* Vitamin B12: 0.5 µg

* Taurine: 2000 mg

* Glucuronolactone: 1200 mg

* Inositol: 60 mg

The vitamins are pretty negligent - so don't think you are getting a stack of vitamins. The Taurine is a hefty dose. This can make people feel good and it can drop blood pressure (good for tinnitis). The main issue is the caffeine. 160mg is equal to 2-3 cups of instant coffee or 2 cups of roast and ground coffee

If you are sensitive to coffee (shakes, jitters, anxiety, skipped heart beats) then don't have Mother!

Does Red Bull give you wings

Well according to Red Bull and millions of RB drinkers around the world - yes, Red Bull can give people wings.

It can give a natural "high" by through stimulation of the adrenal glands and sugar release with the caffeine and a combination of taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, B vitamins, sucrose, phenylalanine, and glucose.[13] In Germany, a small amount of cocaine was discovered in Red Bull cola sold there. A full Red Bull recall was issued in several states. Six German states have banned the drink, with a nationwide ban under consideration. The drink did not contain enough cocaine to have a narcotic effect.[14]

Is it much different to the other energy drinks.


It is the most established and got a big jump on Mother (Coca-cola) and sponsors "FAST" and thrilling sporting events. So clever marketing has implied that it gives you wings.

Please becareful with energy drinks. This is some good advice:

# Water and appropriate sports drinks should be used for rehydration

# Energy drinks should not be used for hydration.

# Energy drinks should not be consumed by athletes or party goers who are dehydrated.

# Energy drinks should not be consumed without prior medical approval, by athletes taking over the counter or prescription med

Take care, these drinks can act like a drug!

Are working women at risk of becoming infertile?

The short answer is yes.

Whether or not it is a reality for you will depend on a few things.

What I have discovered in my clinic and from measuring female saliva hormone levels, is that there is often a rise in testosterone in women that work.

It doesn't seem to be the quantity of work either - ie part time, casual or full time, employed or self employed.

So what role does testosterone play in a woman?

It can

- Improve your mood & memory

- Help with muscle mass, strength and stamina

- Assist with the prevention of osteoporosis

- Increase sex drive

- Make the lady feel good.

Some testosterone is good! Too much is not and can leave the lady feeling angry and irritable, suffering oily skin and pimples, growing unwanted facial hair and may cause infertility.

The infertility comes about as the high testosterone seems to promote the growth of cysts on the ovaries. These leads to a condition called Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. Currently in Australia numbers for this are ... “..One in ten women of childbearing age has PCOS… PCOS leads to high levels of androgens.. "

High testosterone can lead to blood sugar problems and wide girths.

Why are working women at risk. I am not sure of the exact cause at this stage. Which is one reason for setting up the website. I am hoping to gather information about thought patterns, diets and exposure to things that may elevate a women's testosterone levels. Until then, if you work, be mindful to keep your life in balance. Try to find time for yourself each day. Eat well and exercise. Little daily habits that are ESSENTIAL for balanced hormones.

Holy COW - my meat is on steroids?!

Did you realise that "they" pump most meat available in the larger commercial supermarkets with hormones?



Hormones + some grains + cow = 4 kg gain in meat a day!

This is why commercial or grain fed beef is not necessarily the "best" for your body or the cow (for that matter).

Now, I love a good hearty steak. It gives you lots of iron (= muscles and energy) and meat is high in protein. However, not all steaks will make the cut.

Craig my butcher, was telling me today, that in Australia we have a meat association that grades meat. According to him, Coles and Woolies are not a part of this association (suprise).

The Meat Standards Australia (MSA) grade meat based on DNA and texture etc.... It is graded out of 17. My mate, Craig, only accepts meats less than 6. This means a better quality. The MSA also provides a down time until the cut will be at it's optimum.

I was suprised to hear that the cow has usually been slaughtered and hung for approx 10 days before making it to the butcher. Then they let it "tenderize" depending on the MSA rating - which recommends how many days until it will reach it's optimum. Eg MSA 3 @ 5 days.

Coles and Woolies apparently would need to leave their meat for 20+ days to achieve the same MSA rating.

All very interesting, if not a little obscure.

So I would suggest avoiding all exogenous hormones (ie ones your body doesn't make itself) and eat "hormone free" beef where you can.

Cost - a little more expensive. Maybe worth a small chocolate bar difference. So worth it!

Sun avoidance can lead to Vitamin D deficiency

Interestingly Vitamin D deficiency is on the RAPID rise.

Vitamin D is a needed for a massive range of actions in the body including: bone formation, blood clotting, heart and muscle action, immune factors and is a co-factor (small but integral component of many other process).

Your body needs more if you drink in excess, have breast cancer, have Crohn's disease, are pregnant, a vegetarian and have any bone issues.

You can find it in fish oils (Good old Cod Liver Oil is very high in Vit D), egg yolk, milk, sprouted seeds, and the sun helps your body make it on your SKIN! but you need approx 20 minutes of sun a day on a limb (such as an arm).

Think of all the elderly people shoved away in nursing homes currently being deprived of sunlight. No wonder they trip, fall and break bones. Yet again a small little health issue, that would save you and I (ie the government) millions in health care $$$ and would help a lot of people AVOID pain and immobility due to bone fractures.

Ok, off my high horse....

The recommended daily amount is 400 IU. If you are treating a deficiency you will need 400-1600 IU per day. 40 IU = 1 Microgram of Vitamin D.

high dose calcium can decrease production of Vit D and this can result in sarcoidosis, diabetes and cancers.

I knew some of this, but obtained most of my research from my biochem mentor, Henry Osiecki and his excellent book: The Nutrient Bible,

Are working women at risk of becoming infertile?

The short answer is yes.
Whether or not it is a reality for you will depend on a few things.
What I have discovered in my clinic and from measuring female saliva hormone levels, is that there is often a rise in testosterone in women that work.
It doesn't seem to be the quantity of work either - ie part time, casual or full time, employed or self employed.
So what role does testosterone play in a woman?
It can
- Improve your mood & memory
- Help with muscle mass, strength and stamina
- Assist with the prevention of osteoporosis
- Increase sex drive
- Make the lady feel good.
Some testosterone is good! Too much is not and can leave the lady feeling angry and irritable, suffering oily skin and pimples, growing unwanted facial hair and may cause infertility.
The infertility comes about as the high testosterone seems to promote the growth of cysts on the ovaries. These leads to a condition called Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome. Currently in Australia numbers for this are ... “..One in ten women of childbearing age has PCOS… PCOS leads to high levels of androgens.. "
High testosterone can lead to blood sugar problems and wide girths.
Why are working women at risk. I am not sure of the exact cause at this stage. Which is one reason for setting up the website. I am hoping to gather information about thought patterns, diets and exposure to things that may elevate a women's testosterone levels. Until then, if you work, be mindful to keep your life in balance. Try to find time for yourself each day. Eat well and exercise. Little daily habits that are ESSENTIAL for balanced hormones.

Why relaxing is as good as prozac

Relaxation or "active relaxation" (as I refer to any activity with the intention to make you feel relaxed) is imperative.

Today while thinking about writing this article, I found myself skating aimlessly around the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website.

I actually thought I would find lots of supporting evidence backing up some theories (perceptions) that I had. But both appear to be a little mislead. I thought we would be spending more time in leisure activities (not the case) and I also thought that women would be participating in greater numbers in sport (not the case)!

According to article 4153 - How Australians Use Their Time, 2006

Feb 21st 2008; We're spending less time playing, sleeping, eating or drinking and instead are working longer!

Recreation and Leisure activities had decreased by 1 hour and 45 minutes per week, from 1997 until 2006! Nearly 2 hours less, spent on the things we love. That really doesn't make sense to me. No wonder we need prozac.

Active relaxation allows the hormones, cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline to settle and for the glands producing these hormones, the adrenal glands, to replenish.

If you don't give your body active relaxation, you end up run down, inflammed (elevated cortisol levels) which leads to other inflammatory diseases, allergy and depression.

Try to find something easy and convenient that you can do for 10 mins every day.