I have been watching with interest and dismay about the unfolding of young women and increasing violence in school.
I have a 2 main theories and in order they are:
1. Food and drink reactions (MSG, thickeners in yogurts, preservatives in bread, flavours on chips, packet foods etc) are all known to cause neuro-excitory reactions AKA: Behaviour changes and in some people anger and acting out this anger in fights verbally or physically.
2. Hormone changes (my research indicates that rising testosterone levels accounts for aggressive behaviours typical of young men, now witnessed and felt by women) due to socialising, tv, video games, foods and carbohydrates – which pushes natural levels of testosterone up.
This is an extract from my book about testosterone from page 42.
Testosterone is considered an androgen (male hormone) but it is the basic structure used for estrogen as well. It is made in ladies in her ovaries, adrenals and muscles. Men make it in their testes. Relatively little research has been done over the years into females and the affects of testosterone in their body, but I find it fascinating.
Testosterone (Tt) is responsible for the following:
Low Testosterone
Typically our understanding of Tt is that is drops as we age. This is why muscle mass deteriorates with age. Low testosterone levels are often blamed, often incorrectly, for ladies having a low libido during menopause.
Symptoms of low TT include:
High testosterone
The issue of high Tt levels in ladies is becoming more common in Modern Women. Studies over the years tend to indicate that aggression, competing and winning elevate Tt levels in men. And obviously with high levels that inspires more aggression and competitiveness. But we are not so sure with females.
When TT levels are high, ladies experience:
Male pattern hair – i.e thinning hair on their scalp and pubic regions, more hair on their face (in particular the chin and upper lip) and hairy arms, hair on the tops of the feet and toes and around their nipples
Acne or pimples on the chin, back or chest areas
From what I can understand, the anger from elevated Testosterone is different than the anger experienced with high estrogen. I tend to find ladies with high Testosterone tend to be more outwardly aggressive, angry and vocal. While Estrogen tends to makes ladies more moody, teary and fragile. Once again, this needs to be explored in larger population groups and will be done so on www.byebyebridget.com