Bridgets - I am sorry I have done a cut a paste of my meagre attempt at doing a "press release" for tonights posting - it is self explanatory.
Hi all
And I have totally forgotten that today was Friday 13th! And that tomorrow is Valen--who- day's.
This is an up-date on today's movements (once again - excuse grammar, typos)
We had approx 80 volunteers through the footy club/donation centre
We packed approx 500 boxes
We have 3 golden wishes lists today
We found out we are the only national group , providing this service. (I discussed with head office, Red Cross and they are only able to take financial donations and are struggling keeping up with that) .
So we are the national centre now where people can call for relief centre specific deliveries and families can ring for their personal needs (via Golden Wish Lists)
Telstra - only fixed fax approx 430pm today (will see if it works tomorrow)
The Gold Coast Bulletin and Sun are not interested in coming down to take photos and let the public know what we are doing (despite us having over 1000 donors now), nor are they interested in promoting the Golden Wish Lists for people that need help. They just wanted us to find a "pregnant lady" in one of the relief centres for them so they could do a story on her.
No one turned up with lunch despite hot tomato broadcasting and advertising.
People to thank for todays efforts
All these people are helping because they are in a position to - not because they have been "employed to do that job description". Many people that we ask are saying No. These people, listed below are saying "YES - what else can I do, how can I help".
These people are the 3rd and 4th line people behind this massive rescue and rebuilding mission and I hope one day they are truly recognised for what they are doing . And I can tell you now, none of these people are doing it for publicity. They don't even know, until they receive this tonight , that I am doing this.
Steve Jenke again at Coles, Healesville (gave me the heads up at 73oam that the relief centre was being relocated so we could stop BIG drop off) and his off sider Dustin for stepping in as Steve's replacement
Kim Hocking - rounding up Marysville town folks and spreading the word about the Golden Wish Lists
Corporate express for dropping in masses of packing tape
Sue Yates from Coomera pharmacy for their donations
Marilyn BRuton from Fastway - for her lovely individual care
Sandra Bostock principle Bostock and Frazer Lawyers (these ladies are amazing - sorry Sandra - I hope you don;t mind if I keep asking you to fill "golden wishes")
Helen from hope Island Vet Clinic
Hot tomato for our broadcasts
Australian Air Express for giving us an account to freight things free of charge to anywhere in VIC for Fire victims
And all the volunteers again for their tireless efforts. (ESP Gary Waldon, Nicole Holland, Debbie, Vicky, Olivia.... And the other 75 people)
Alisdair Mitchell, president from the AFL club. I don't think Alisdair realised, (I certainly didn't)what we were getting in for
The next steps
1. We are delivering the boxes to Healesville relief centres tomorrow.
2. We are hoping you can let the relief camps know that we have mass -stocks of all sorts of items and with radio broadcasts have the ability to collect all sorts of items
3. We are anticipating the Golden Wish Lists to increase in requests by Monday
4. We are now, going to see how we can assist Wildlife rescue, domestic pets (via AVA), and funerals (we have a collective group of celebrants available to assist with funerals - after the 23rd Feb - we just need an airline prepared to pay and help in transporting to the funeral homes)
5. I need some more support - i.e. Either from you guys ( I have been disgusted with the Bulletin in case that wasn;t obvious) and I am surprised their isn't a national body or government agency doing what we are doing
6. Recruit more volunteers
7. Try to get the word to ACA, Today tonight and ABC 774 that we are doing this fantastic service (not red cross) - but if red cross want to take it on, its all theirs.
8. We are setting up an on-line order system for individuals and the camps
My wish list
1. The Herald, and The Sun to get behind the Golden Wish Lists
2. The website to get up and running ASAP
3. Someone to pay my mobile bill (making 300+ phone calls a day)
4. For a valentines to declare themselves for me tomorrow (sorry my humour not very funny when I am tired - that was a joke)!
5. To have Tania Major hear about our cause and to become involved.
6. To find a contact for Matt Falla (in press release about CBA and his mortgage) and Sam (the dad shown on the news ) who lost his wife and children
My absolute highlight today (photos attached) have been
1. Watching my daughter, Mischa , assisting everyone in packing, sorting, mingling and so happy she can help victims of the fires
2. Watching the volunteers, lead by Debbie, put together Golden Wish Lists - we feel we know the people. We received one late tonight for 2 men who have lost their familes. They are men of the Land - they are humble folks. We have tried to match clothes to what we think they would like. The vollies and myself feel very connected to these people.
And I have totally forgotten that today was Friday 13th! And that tomorrow is Valen--who- day's.
This is an up-date on today's movements (once again - excuse grammar, typos)
We had approx 80 volunteers through the footy club/donation centre
We packed approx 500 boxes
We have 3 golden wishes lists today
We found out we are the only national group , providing this service. (I discussed with head office, Red Cross and they are only able to take financial donations and are struggling keeping up with that) .
So we are the national centre now where people can call for relief centre specific deliveries and families can ring for their personal needs (via Golden Wish Lists)
Telstra - only fixed fax approx 430pm today (will see if it works tomorrow)
The Gold Coast Bulletin and Sun are not interested in coming down to take photos and let the public know what we are doing (despite us having over 1000 donors now), nor are they interested in promoting the Golden Wish Lists for people that need help. They just wanted us to find a "pregnant lady" in one of the relief centres for them so they could do a story on her.
No one turned up with lunch despite hot tomato broadcasting and advertising.
People to thank for todays efforts
All these people are helping because they are in a position to - not because they have been "employed to do that job description". Many people that we ask are saying No. These people, listed below are saying "YES - what else can I do, how can I help".
These people are the 3rd and 4th line people behind this massive rescue and rebuilding mission and I hope one day they are truly recognised for what they are doing . And I can tell you now, none of these people are doing it for publicity. They don't even know, until they receive this tonight , that I am doing this.
Steve Jenke again at Coles, Healesville (gave me the heads up at 73oam that the relief centre was being relocated so we could stop BIG drop off) and his off sider Dustin for stepping in as Steve's replacement
Kim Hocking - rounding up Marysville town folks and spreading the word about the Golden Wish Lists
Corporate express for dropping in masses of packing tape
Sue Yates from Coomera pharmacy for their donations
Marilyn BRuton from Fastway - for her lovely individual care
Sandra Bostock principle Bostock and Frazer Lawyers (these ladies are amazing - sorry Sandra - I hope you don;t mind if I keep asking you to fill "golden wishes")
Helen from hope Island Vet Clinic
Hot tomato for our broadcasts
Australian Air Express for giving us an account to freight things free of charge to anywhere in VIC for Fire victims
And all the volunteers again for their tireless efforts. (ESP Gary Waldon, Nicole Holland, Debbie, Vicky, Olivia.... And the other 75 people)
Alisdair Mitchell, president from the AFL club. I don't think Alisdair realised, (I certainly didn't)what we were getting in for
The next steps
1. We are delivering the boxes to Healesville relief centres tomorrow.
2. We are hoping you can let the relief camps know that we have mass -stocks of all sorts of items and with radio broadcasts have the ability to collect all sorts of items
3. We are anticipating the Golden Wish Lists to increase in requests by Monday
4. We are now, going to see how we can assist Wildlife rescue, domestic pets (via AVA), and funerals (we have a collective group of celebrants available to assist with funerals - after the 23rd Feb - we just need an airline prepared to pay and help in transporting to the funeral homes)
5. I need some more support - i.e. Either from you guys ( I have been disgusted with the Bulletin in case that wasn;t obvious) and I am surprised their isn't a national body or government agency doing what we are doing
6. Recruit more volunteers
7. Try to get the word to ACA, Today tonight and ABC 774 that we are doing this fantastic service (not red cross) - but if red cross want to take it on, its all theirs.
8. We are setting up an on-line order system for individuals and the camps
My wish list
1. The Herald, and The Sun to get behind the Golden Wish Lists
2. The website to get up and running ASAP
3. Someone to pay my mobile bill (making 300+ phone calls a day)
4. For a valentines to declare themselves for me tomorrow (sorry my humour not very funny when I am tired - that was a joke)!
5. To have Tania Major hear about our cause and to become involved.
6. To find a contact for Matt Falla (in press release about CBA and his mortgage) and Sam (the dad shown on the news ) who lost his wife and children
My absolute highlight today (photos attached) have been
1. Watching my daughter, Mischa , assisting everyone in packing, sorting, mingling and so happy she can help victims of the fires
2. Watching the volunteers, lead by Debbie, put together Golden Wish Lists - we feel we know the people. We received one late tonight for 2 men who have lost their familes. They are men of the Land - they are humble folks. We have tried to match clothes to what we think they would like. The vollies and myself feel very connected to these people.
LOL Bridget
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