Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today Tonight's story - Diet Blitz

Today Tonight (channel 7) ran a story tonight, about the AMA and the Australian Dietician's Assoc. wanting all diets, fads, weight loss programs regulated. They are saying Canberra should take a hold of the industry as there are over 3000 different, promoted weight loss methods in Australia.
With some 8 Million people struggling with muffin tops, back fat, fat booties and generally being over-weight and unhealthy, it's pretty obvious to me that the currently promoted Health pyramid: is either not being adhered to , or recommends too many carbs (you be the judge).
The AMA (as with all medical treatments) are demanding retrospective, evidence-based-studies and recommendations (for 2 years). This is marvellous if you want to spend the next 10 years setting up committees (who then have to work out their in house policies, laws, regulations and what ever else it is they have to attend to) and then roll out a study on 3000 diets, which will take at least another 2 years, and then add another 2 years for number crunching, parliment to motion, agree and pass on the findings - which will lead to the 2023 Diet Recommendations - which will be SO out of date and irrelevent as it will referring to things that are a decade old.

The people who request "evidence-based-medicine and facts" are conservative academics. (Trust me, i have worked along side doctors for years and have taught them to demand for "evidence " when i was a drug rep - that's how we won our debates over other drug companies).

What we need are pioneers, bio-chemists, people who make sense, and have results to support their techniques.

Let me elaborate on the current evidence and diet recommendations in Australia:

- The Australian Dieticians Assoc has been promoting the healthy pyramid model for the last 15 years. (The USA dropped the pyramid in 2002!)
- Since promoting the pyramid - we have produced a nation rampant with diabetes, obesity and metabolic diseases.Now at least 1 in 2 people is overweight.
- Not suprisingly the doctors - who send patients to dieticians - (and have even ensured their dieticians professional success by introducing a program in 2002 called Enhanced Primary Care. This means that a GP can refer to dietician and the patient can claim through medicare. This system does not include nutritionist nor naturopaths), receive a financial renumeration (YES THEY GET PAID) for doing this.
- The pyramid's incongruencies have not been addressed despite a multitude of studies demonstrating that refined carbohydrates cause inflammation and metabolic disease (ie the pyramid advices against best medicine and the evidence).

Am I being political here? Yes!
Have I bitten my tongue for years? YES!
Why am I saying something now.... Because I am sick of Australia, one of the great democratic nations only telling it's people one side. And with most health issues in Australia - medical doctors are the only ones who have the "ultimate say". They have little idea about food and nutrition.

There are many facets to the obesity debate.
As with most things in life, the true pioneers and usually the most successful people (as they are seeking for win-wins) are the ones who come under the most critism.

My advice to you
Gather information. Talk to people who have tried different fat reduction techniques. See what is successful.
Have realistic expectiations. Talk to professionals in fat loss - this is NOT your personal trainer - (who has done a 9 week course),it is not to a pharmacists, it is not a mum your mum's group. It is someone properly trained, who looks like they walk the talk, who explains things comprehensively and someone that you relate to.

Results can take awhile - stay strong. Stay committed to your HEALTH goals. Think of where you will be in 12 months time, not what you would do if you had a magic wand for next week.
If fat loss was easy, I wouldn't be battling my own person see-saw of fat cometh, fat goeth away. I know hundreds of fat loss tips. But as with most people, fat loss is complex.

Fat loss encompasses:
- issues of self esteem, why we eat, why we over eat,why we binge eat, why we get hooked on sugary foods , why we find alcohol relaxing,eating in restaurants, eating take aways, hormone imbalances, stress, food chemicals, marketing to kids (to entice eating), and on and on it goes.

Good luck and i welcome any stories or feedback on my natural medicine site. I will have a forum soon.
for now send any comments to and say if you are happy for me to publish on this blog site or not.
Health Queen

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