This first part is from Dr Mercola – wonderful newsletters if you are interested in natural foods, medicines etc..
“..Essential fatty acids (EFAs) include both omega-3 fats (high in the vital compounds EPA and DHA) and omega-6 fats. EFAs cannot be manufactured in your body but are beneficial to normal health and metabolism.* Therefore, EFAs must be obtained through your diet.
Although some omega-6 fats are good for your health, the balance of omega-6s to omega-3s is crucial.* Unfortunately, most people consume an overabundance of omega-6 fats.
Your ancestors embraced a diet with a healthy balance of approximately equal omega-6 and omega-3 fats. But the current Western diet is far too high in omega-6 fats. The average omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is now closer to 20:1, and in some cases even 50:1. This can keep you from optimal health.
Due to this imbalanced ratio, and because you could likely benefit from more omega-3 fats*...” Dr Mercola..
I have seen omega 3 oils do amazing things. I use them personally when I am feeling achy or if I feel too wrinkly. The omega 3 component is essential for the lining of all your bodies’ cells, and hence useful as an anti-ageing strategy.
Food sources for omega 3s include the following:
nuts: macademias, almonds, walnuts, pecan nuts,
seeds: chia, pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds
deep sea fish: tuna , salmon, sardines, herrings (don’t eat these if you are pregnant though as these fish are the bottom of the food chain which means they are the end results of other fish being consumed and can end up with very large levels of mercury and other toxic minerals)
Plant oils: olive oil, canola, safflower, avocadoes
I try to eat some omega 3 food sources every day. I urge you to do the same
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