Monday, December 27, 2010

Do you drink wine (habitually) to relax

Do you have one or two glasses of wine while cooking the night’s meal. No intention of getting drunk, just sipping and cooking (or worse still, sipping while working)?

Whilst one to two glasses could be achieving a more relaxed head state, psychologically helping you make the transition from work mode to home mode – you do need to be aware of the following:

- Having mindless wine is giving yourself extra sugar and maybe leading to hormone imbalances, such as elevated testosterone.

So what other ways can one achieve the equivalent of 1-2 (or several) glasses of wine without the negative side effects of sugar consumption? These are a few ideas that I have put together…

1. Exercise every morning (rain, hail, shine – just do it)

2. Put yourself through a relaxation audio (20 mins investment in the morning before getting out of bed, or sitting under a tree, listening to an iphone)

3. watch a movie – funny, short skits are perfect

4. Mentally digest your day on the way HOME from work, put items into mental folders and see yourself putting it into your mental filing cabinet, until you chose to revisit them.

5. Have a end and start points that signal changing roles. For example, pulling down the garage door means no more work, putting on slippers means relaxation mode, putting on nightie = no more cleaning etc.

6, Eat so many good and healthy things that you become selfish about sacrificing any goodness for bad

7. Make sure you drink LOADS of water in the afternoon so you are not confusing thirst for water as thirst for alcohol.

8. Have a protein/carb snack at 4pm to tie you over nicely until dinner time (this will help your blood sugar drop and crave wine).

Monday, December 6, 2010

Gluten Free snack

Gluten free snack


Corn chips (try to get organic and chemical free)

Mexican beans


salsa (home made is delicious if you can)

Mozarella cheese



Place the bean mix on the base of a baking dish. Place corn chips on top, cover with cheese. Melt in an oven on 180 for 15 mins. Add mince (left over spag bog is fine) and serve with salsa. Kids love this dish.