Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 a year where we all need to redefine

bridgets , congratulations, well done, you have arrived at another year... Can you remember how long ago the "NEW MILLENIUM" was it 7, 8 or 9 years ago? Can you believe it, it was actually 1999 rolling into 2000 which means it was 9 years ago.

I think 2009 is the best year to redefine who you are. I believe with Obama at the US helm, they will be re-defining who is "America" , and I know if there are going to be massive global re'acquaintences with big issues, then it's a great time for us to do the same.

New Year's resolutions (like any "new starting point") is a great mental full stop to things that happened last year. Whether you chose to repeat behaviours, drag along stuff from 2008 , is totally up to you!

Personally I'm going to spend the next 2-3 days mentally clarifying what it is I really want this year, and then I will put pen to paper.

My resolutions will be a mix of goals and affirmations. It's much easier to achieve, more rewarding and gives you a purpose for change.

It's a bit airy-fairy - but it is New Year's Day! HAve fun, drink lots of water and this morning when i woke and saw a transvestite promoting make-up on telly - I knew this year was going to be special. RUN with it team x Bridge

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Eve jitters

Bridgets et al,

This may sound strange - but after chatting to my confidant, Sarah AKA Smiley Cyrus (nah- we are still working on her stage name), it became evident that tonight is the first time i have been out-out in ages. Well - that's not totally true - I did go to the John Flynn Ball in November and ended up at the atrium at Juptiers, wondering "what on Earth am I doing here - bed is calling out big time and is probably more fun than this joint".

But where do, mums- fattish- curvaceous- can't-afford-plastic-work-yet, go? That's right, we have bbqs at home with our mates, in the safety of our yards.

So maybe that's why I am a little nervous about heading out tonight. I know already that we are going to the casino (a big thumbs down) - but we will try to get into a place called EAST - promises to be a little like a Mlebourne club - wow, that's pealing back the cob-webs from my memory.
Ok, what is it that I really want in a good night out. And correct, one night stands with strangers is no where on the list... yuk!

I would like a smallish meal, lots of champagne (that doesn't give you a headache), a multitude of interesting people to talk with (gals and guys - I don't care - I just enjoy meeting people), a dance floor where i can swing my arms about like Peter Garrett without running the risk of hitting people (like I was at the Carestaff break-up party)! and a well stocked , easy to access toilet.

Hmm... maybe I will be more happy tonight if i change my expectations...

Maybe if I want cheap champagne, buy some nurofen today, eat a kebab at midnight for substance, stagger over to the Casino (carrying my shoes in my hand), dance in the crowded Prince Albert Bar with scrubbers (no offence scrubbers) - and keep drinking so i don't notice the abnoxious mess in the loos and lack of toilet paper. Then Maybe i will have a "great night mate!"

That's it! Next year I will organise a bbq here for all my mates - we can frock up - I promise I will have rolls and rolls of loo paper, the lounge can be the dance floor and plenty of seats and beds for weary bodies!

Happy New Years and bring it on 2009! It's going to be FUN and exciting and A fantastic year for all - I can feel it in my waters....bye bridget

Monday, December 29, 2008

Motherly moments

Bridgets, I think that One of the best things about being a mum, is the access to free hugs. All the time.. kids can never say "no". Well mine can't yet, even if they wanted to, because they are still small.
It's when you get those sneak-hugs in that you feel a little bit of love flowing back the other way from child to parent. I reckon I will be one of those mums who is still trying to get sneak-hugs when the kids are staying for holidays, and have their own family. cheers Bridget

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The verdict is guilty!

Bridgets the verdict is final - sugar is bad

Poop! The allergy test i got back the other day said i am allergic to bakers yeast, brewers yeast, peanuts, eggs , cranberries and sugar!!! That's seriously 75% of my diet gone - well this is going to be an interesting year.

But the prospects are exciting. For the first time in a very long time, i may be able to get my asthma under control! That would be sensational!

I am putting more and more diets together and will be posting them under the byebyebridget website. I will be putting one together for myself later today (just don't know what to do with the left over, scrump-didley-umpscious fruit mince tarts - freeze them I guess).

I will post my allergy results when i receive them via email. They are the same as the kit for sale in the Hello Shopping. The best investment i have made in my healht in ages!

bridget in health

Friday, December 26, 2008

Chirstmas aftermath


Giddy-up, Santa has come and gone for yet another year.

He was generous, as usual, but not ridiculous, with the kids. They all got a bean bag (despite the fact he had issues filling the bags and spilt the beans all over the lawn - very difficult to explain why snow didn't melt in the heat!!) and the fact that their dad brought them around without the "heads-up-we-are-on-our-way" phone call so santa had only filled one! The other two arrived auspicously 20 mins later after I had "found them accross the road where santa must have dropped them off the sleigh". Good grief!

The mini snooker table/hover hockey/table tennis table is awsome. My girlfriend, Janey, is like Mrs Claus and as usual sent millions of presents which always puts massive smiles on our dials....

We had a relaxing day - yummy food and laughs, air-con and swimming. All the essential ingredients for a happy Christmas Day. Now everyone has gone in all directions. I am left with Maisy and we are going to have some relaxing fun. We have decided to eat out every night (now that is Christmas to my ears) and pretend we are away on holidays - swimming at the beach, mid day naps and i will be entering 21 years of knowledge from my head to the byebye website, not to mention finish a few booklets so they are available on line and I must seal the pool pavers (I have been putting the boy-job off for at least 18 months now).

adios bridget in health

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"be there" this Christmas

Bridget et al

Merry Christmas one and all.

Even though i am sitting finishing off a few things on, and watching a classic: Alandin does Morocco (Can't remember the title) all is good. I actually like a bit of down time - a bit of me time. I can be the "Life of the party" and love people, but having some down time helps keep the balance (and essential).

Do you ever find that you mind can get wound up like a spring when you are always busy, talking, giving advice, energy, racing around buying, being a parent, working etc.... the only times my spring uncoils are when i exercise (which is at least daily) , when i am on my own either outside for 5 minutes at night, or relcining on the couch (which is very rare). When i do have these "unwinding moments" I totally relax. The more you practice the better you become at relaxing.
A great mentor of mine, whom I have only known a short time, is Ronnie Kagan (he has written a book called The Winning Way and worth the read if you are in business). He does yoga, relaxation etc every day. What a great mentor!

Seeing as i make the time to relax, I tell myself "to relax" and tell myself " shutting all thoughts our is the same as a 2 hours sleep".

My body responds well. I usually come out of my relaxed state/trance/meditiation - what ever you want to call it, ready to rock and roll.

So my greatest advice to you, especially if you are a parent, is to be there. Go away first - have a quick walk, 5-10 mins hiding, just power yourself up so you can "be there" when everyone else is around.
This Christmas BE there. The day is here. People are with you because they are lucky (and smart enough) to know and value you you! Honour that and in return "be there" .

I mean - switch off to stress. Don't get anxious. ENJOY. BE there in the moment, evey moment. IF you stray, bring yourself back. Say "I am here and I love this day and moment".

To me this is the greatest gift you will give anyone this Christmas.

Have a beautiful Christmas Day whatever you are doing. You are amazing. Bridget in health

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twas the night before Christmas....

...and all was mayhem on the Gold Coast....

Today at my local fruit and vege shop:
Mangoes 2 for $5 bucks
cherries a rip off at $25.99 per kg
Watching people trying to park and actually seeing some of the end results (you know who you are - ute driver cnr Markeri and Sunshine Pde) - absolutely PRICELESS!
Bridget in health

Monday, December 22, 2008

The difference good service makes

I remember my old mate, Murray, whom i have referred to before, saying: You will return to a restaurant because the service and the food was good . Bue if the service was bad, regardless of how good or excellent the food was, you will never go back.

So, I have put this to the test and it is ABSOLUTELY true.

None of us like parting with our time or money to a service provider that is "unhappy" about receiving our business.

I like to think that everyone has customers and is in the "service providing" industry, even if you are a courier or bank clerk.

I have noticed Westpac bank clerks now introduce themselves - how civil! I feel great in saying in reply, Hi I am Sam! Now i know the person i am dealing with and they know me. Remember it's these little pieces of fabric that come together like a tapestry to form your quilt that we call LIFE.

I love the fact that i have never had to pay for my smile. I don't have to pay to walk on the beach and don't pay to swim in it. And off the top of my head they are the 3 best things in life. And they are FREE.

Try introducing yourself to more people. I know all my butchers by name, i try to thank the check out "chicks" by name, I thank referees if i play sport and i thank my patients. If you have seen the Secret they talk about being grateful. Saying Thank-you and smiling are 2 free ways to start your own ground swell on gratitude. Try it today!

Thank-you for reading this :) B

Friday, December 19, 2008

today was a very exciting day

i love my life: my kids, friends, patients and acquaintances. i don;t want to become too politically correct and i am sure people know me well enough that if i ever exclude someone or something , or say something a bit strange or offensive - i can guarrantee i don;t mean it.

On the otherhand if you have ever upset one of the above, be warned. i would help out any and all of them if they ever needed me.

My little routine - essentially wake, feed, clean, parent and drop kids to school. Then walk on the beach or something equally as beautiful, go to work, meet the most amazing people, do some other work related activity, pick the kids up and come home. I cook dinner, the kids swim, I round them up into the bath, dish up dinner, feed and orchestrate the busiest point in that amount of space and time, in the world at that point, I am sure!

> my daughter just asked me an economic questions - yikes - "mummy who makes the money that we use and how do they know how much to make" .

Every day i think how lucky i am to be in the health industry. People trust me and i respect that and I honor that respect above anything else. So thank-you if your eyes should ever stumble accross this.

I am one of those very fortunate people whom can say I don't work, as i am doing something I love.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sugar Master

B et al, Forget sugar daddy, as sweet as sugar - try Sugar Master that needs to be banished by Sugar Slayer!

I am certain the 1-2 glasses of wine that we drink each night is just as much about the sugar fix, as it is the habit or the desire to be slightly numb or relaxed.

Just as the last 15 years saw a massive rise in Australians with Diabetes (according the Aus Diabestity report - commissioned by the then Health Minister, Michael Woodridge, in 2000) with sickening statistics like :

- 1 in 4 Australians over the age of 25, have an impaired glucose intolerance problem
- other amazingly poor stats that i will look up at work first before i quote them.....

So I believe that many of us are plain and simply hooked on sugar (which is the main reason we develop an impaired glucose problem - saturating ourselves and faces with sugar rich foods and refined carbohydrates!

The understanding of diabetes and metabolic issues in the current medical paradigm is that it only encompasses diabetes type 1 and 2, and gestational diabetes. I am sure in the next 5 years it will be recognised that PCOS (poly cystic ovarian symdrome) , and regular alcohol drinkers, chocoholics, high soft drink consumers and bakery-addicts all have the same problem. An addiction to sugar!

Treating it is tricky as most people get a slight feeling of euphoria shortly after eating or drinking wine or beer , as their blood sugar starts to rise.

Then after a short time, this short-lived elation leads to irritability, anxiousness, binge behaviours and yelling or tiredness.

The way to releave these negative effects is another fix (fix of sugar that is).

So off we go to the cupboard or fridge and have some more. We can repeat the cycle many times until we go, enough, and go to bed. Not before consuming 30-200% more in calories than we needed for that day.... then the weight creeps on and you know the rest....

I will present some solutions and suggestions for tackling the sugar addictions next.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Don't buy into all things Christmas - especially stress

Well I am not a perfect dodger nor non-fabricator of stress. Hell, I can create a stress hurricane along with the best of them. However (probably due to rebellion and non-conformity rather than anything zen) I don't part-take in Silly Season stress.

Yesterday I completed my entire Christmas shopping. Uh-huh - oh-yeah- it only took me 30 mins (plus another 30 mins the other night at Robina). So what did i do.....

1. Plan whom i was going to buy for. Keeping it to an absolute minimum.

2. work out how much i wanted to spend (just like renovating - double it!!)

3. brain storm some ideas

4. some market research and surveillance on the web for prices etc.. (others would prefer to let their legs do the walking and call this "shopping" - yuk).

5. Go during the day - work hours great, no kids, unaccompanied, well fed and rested and off you go.

6. Bang, bang, bang. One shop, 3 purchases - next...tick tick tick....plough your way through your list calmly, methodically, committedly... breath deep and viola - all done.

7. proceed home, wrap, lay under tree and relax.

Now how to replicate the same priniciples to other area's of stress and life!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Choosing a professional, tradesman, accountant anyone

Lately I seem to be having to "choose and decide " on people and what they offer in terms of their expertise.
Since June, I have been regrouping financially and paying off debts and relaxing again.
Now, however, i am ready to go through a period of expansion. is nearly ready to go live and my book is nearly ready for print.

Aside from the website and book, i am also personally ready to trust people again after being stung severely early in the year with a unit, drop in interest rates and decrease in trade and a quieter year in my business (A combo of me still having a baby and a down turned market/economy).

So expansion is exciting and scary and i recognise the need to surround myself with ethical, committed and talented staff/sub contractors.

I have learned much of Richard Branson and between him and a few other business mentors (Gerry Robert, Ronnie Kagan, Don Power and Craig Trinder) I am starting to truely harness their advice and am very excited about business in the future and the role i can and will play in it.

So at the moment, I am sorting out whom to go with financially, work, printers for bbb and book, merchandise, staff, IT, patents. All those decisions and things going on at once and many of them made last week and a few more to decide on this week.

The thing i really miss is someone in my life to bounce things off. A close alliance or partner. I often find by putting my thoughts into words, that the ideas and decisions kind of fall into a logical sequence. So, maybe i need to learn to talk out loud - or does that mean i am turning into a nut.

Hmm. I think i will get a business coach instead.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

you are turning into your father!

Do you know what.... i think we do actually turn into those around us, especially our mentors and parents. I have noticed this because my sister and i lived with our grandparents for a few years growing up and we both have similar traits. I really noticed it in my sister when i stayed with her in London - now i notice it in myself. Keeping scraps of paper to use for note taking, having hourdes of paper and "things" in draws, the list goes on.
So if you don't want to evolve into your parents , don't hang out with them.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

1st Dec World AIDS day

I always remember World Aids Day as i used to sponsor the HIV wing at Prince Henry's in Sydney when i was a drug rep. That's what i used to love about repping - becoming part of the solution - not just another drug for the doctors to use on people. the wing was great fun and the staff and clients awesome.

today the B Team (would be the A team but Bridget begins with the letter B), meet today. things are coming along fantastically and anyone who is involved with byebyebridget is passionate and loving their involvement , including me, as it is going to assist so many people around the world.

i have made a few postings on You Tube (I am giving Flickr away). here is the one about the launch

Have a great day

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

5 hot tips for sending corporate Christmas presents

Have you thought about what you will be thanking your top corporate clients with this year? These 5 tips are guaranteed to set you aside from the masses of other “thank-you” gifts that people receive.

1. Send a gift with shelf life.
Such as a book. Not just any book. A useful, practical, hands-on-advice book that will improve their life within the first chapter. WOW. That is a fantastic way to say to your top clients “Thanks for you support – I really value it and I value you !”

2. Send them something relevant.
For example, everyone travels, but not everyone is into rugby union (I know hard to believe)

3. Send your gift AFTER the Christmas rush.
How many times have you received corporate cards and thank-you cards, that get torn open, dismissed and added to the pile on the mantle piece in that pre-Christmas rush?
“Wow” your clients when they least expect it. Arriving after Christmas doesn’t mean you have forgotten them or are disorganized, it actually means, “I care so much that I wanted you to receive this when you had time to read it”

4. Hand-write a card
It doesn’t have to be much, but a hand written anything adds so much value. It says “I am never too busy for you and I value you”

5. Give them a gift that brings you on-going business.
How clever. Give them something that doesn’t necessarily have your logo plastered all over it, and the other extreme is something totally unrelated, but give them something that offers you 3rd party referral. Such as membership to an on-line coach service, an annual subscription to a journal or a BOOK that mentions your business.

If you are still stuck for ideas – I have the perfect answer.

I am doing a short run on books for the HOT TIPS for the BUSINESS TRAVELER (see the attached PDF for the cover design) that will be ready either just on Christmas or soon after. At this stage this will be a short run and 100 of the books will be sent to large corporate bodies, such as Virgin with the remainder going to you and sponsors.

For a small investment of $3000 you will receive the following:
- 100 books
- Your website or email mentioned 2 times in a chapter (see a copy of the chapters attached)
- A half page add or editorial (whatever you supply and we need this by 5th December for the printer)
- First round offers to be involved when the book goes global and is printed in LARGE numbers
- There is no mention of Christmas in the book, so you can use the book for awards, thank-yous through-out the year.

You need to act now as closing for this GOLDEN opportunity shuts off Monday 1st December 2008.

If you know of others that may be interested , please forward this email.

Let me know asap to reserve your chapter and place, ph 0405 669 135

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bye bye Nonno

Today my darling grandpa died. I came down to Hobart on Wednesday to help nurse him in hospital and was fortunate enough to be with him as he died.
He was more than a grandpa - he was my nonno. My sister and i lived with him after my mum died so he was more like a dad. Some how he created a safe haven for us - i now know people can deal with extra-ordinary situations if they feel safe and loved. Without his compassion, support and love i really don't know how i would be. I don't think about it. It just is. I had his interest and support with all i did. I have had a living guardian angel in my Nonno and I will miss his husky voice and pats on my hair with his hands. Ciao for now Joe :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

bye bye bridget

Well the bye-bye bridget campaign officially started today.

Watch the progress on the below link. My fingers are too sore to type ....


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bridget (AKA Sam) gets desperate

United we stand (and shed fat),
divided we fall (and go to plan B - eating lots of fredos)
Ok, I know i have the knowledge to shed a few kilos and shape up, but it just isn't happening. I mean i have been serious now for 3 days and nothing has changed. Infact i am so disheartened i am eating fredo frogs to help me feel better. And feel better i do - gee I love those little frogs...

Anyway this afternoon in a fit of desperation I rang a long time friend Quentin and asked if he would become my personal trainer again (or PT for those in the know). So we start tomorrow. I will be monitoring my progress and you can be my coach and accountability.

Tomorrow at 8am (why do PTs rise so early??) we will take photos of the current, soon to be "old" me. Included will be a cellular health and some measurements. So yes, i am really bearing all. Don't faint - well i promise i won't if you don't.

Trust me, it is a very personal thing showing your love handles, back fat and jelly belly on the internet. But i am determined to prove I am human and can achieve a former happy size 10.

So watch this space.

We will also be running videos, clips and tips on how you to can join in the "Get Fit, lose fat for summer campaign ". Bridget signing off.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sam Beau Patrick meets Bridget Jones

Actually i think i ate Bridget some time over winter - i mean how else did i grow about 2 dress sizes???
OK, in this bare all (well metaphorically speaking) i would like to demonstrate that as a practitioner and professional (and parent) I am brilliant at preaching and not as good as doing ....i am going to share with you my 7 week return to fitness on my "GET FIT, LOSE FAT Campaign."
why share it with you.... because i know many of my clients suffer the same time restraints and temptations that i do. I'm not going to say to suck eggs because none of us need that. What most of us need is a little bit of encouragement and someone coaching us with small carrots that we can grab, not massive dreams that we feel we are not up to.
So I have decided to cut back on the bad things in my life by 10% and increase the good by 7%. This translates to 10% more exercise, and then each week i will increase it again by 10%. whether that is time, distance or frequency. it depends on what tickles my fancy but i can commit to a 10% increase.
For naughty things, i will cut them back by 7%. so 7% less alcohol, 7% less food , 7% less whatever i know if not helping me move forward in either fitness or becoming more lean.

So today i have attached my cellular health for the world to see...... A bit like your accountant showing you their bank balances. i know you have trusted me so i will show you my trust in return. please don't laugh at my cellular age... I know it's bad :(

ok, cellular health to follow when i work out my new modem.

until then please feel free to join in the fun! I am going to lose 7% of body fat in 7 weeks.

i know i will be 10% more healthy (at least) and my age should drop by 7% too.

i will set up a chat space on the web and feel free to chat.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

GET FIT , LOSE FAT for summer Campaign

Yes, its that time again. Just like pengiuns march their way to where every it is they go, like whales migrating up the coast of Australia, it's my annual campaign to get fit and lose weight. Gotta love Spring!!

This is the OLD me, enjoying a sangria last week in Barcelona

I kicked started my get fit, lose fat for summer campaign, with a trip to Europe - which i can highly recommend. It helps you put your life in perspective and come up with wild and out-there plans for the future... they say gold fish can't see the water they are swimming in, or mums can't see the turmoil they're living in, or something like that...

So after coming back from Overseas with the sleep tank tettering on over flowing (prior to the 40 hour flight that is) i re-entered reality with grand plans - jogging, losing weight, starting tennis, continueing waterpolo and learning a language all an equal first priority on the personal front. with equally optimistic items topping the "I'm going to be a better mum" I'm going to be the most famous author" and " i'm going to build extensions" catergories that compose the fun , albeit a little chaotic life that i lead (that is after i decided to simplify my life too).

So a few days into my return i have stopped drinking alcohol (I actually poured 1/2 bottle of red down the sink tonight - it helped that it had turned to vinegar in my abscence), i have attempted 2 embarrassing staggers around the local lake which will hopefully morph into resembling a jog before too long, my shoulders are playing up so i have an excuse in the short term for waterpolo and tennis, and i have put on 2.5kg despite only eating salads and protein. :(

So i will see when i actually start learning German, when i will finish all my grandiose work plans and fortunately the builder can't come around for a quote for 2 weeks.

on the "I'm going to be a better mum" well i've decided that's like trying to fill a bottomless pit. just keep throwing dirt in as you feel you can. it will never be complete. the kids have been great, the sun is shining (a little early - come on Anna Bligh - get us onto day light savings) and they are all asleep - a major coup for 8pm at night....zzzz

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Richrd Branson backs a winner

OK all, I need some assistance. I am traveling to London next week (Friday 12th) and will be there for a few days (maybe a week or two) with the sole purpose of having a meeting with Richard Branson and for him to sign a deal with me regarding the book and a few other ideas. please let me know if you know him personally and can assist.

thank-you :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

redress stress

Today i will launch my new concept of REdress Stress.i will post it on You Tube later today. in the meantime this latest drawing depicts what we all want. trouble free relaxation. this state of mind/body can be achieved other ways.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

From sunset to sunrise

sunset is the finale, completion of the day time. it's the best time. i love this time. its reflective and fun. what could be better than reflecting and learning off your own experiences with a wine. always pop outside to say good bye to the day. always thank the day for your learnings and always let go. there is no changing "that day".

I love the sunrise. when the kids are older i will definitely venture to the nearest beach (on surf board ) to say HELLO to the next beautiful day. another day - how neat. it's a new opportunity, a new day and new life.

what happened yesterday can;t be changed. you can re-invent yourself in this new day if you wish.

if i start a little down or negative, i refocus on this gift. some people don;t get to see a NEW day. andthat's cool too. i just don/t want to pollute today with yesterdays rubbish!!!

refocus on life goals with new renewed eyes. see and say little mantras, the good things in life, (not the bad- we all have the "less than ideals- but minimise them then they don't rule you). see beauty not evil. nasty things are every where - why listen to the news and have the negative stuff flood in. my friend Murray used to say- reality sucks- don;t listen to the news or read papers....

smell deep. suck in the new day. how simply sweet. you are inhaling the life of a new day!

taste the air. suck in the air like a cool mint. curl your tongue if you can. as it whistles past, saviour it. you are sucking in history. things will happen today. BIG things. things not necessarily in your world but someones.... how cool. suck it in!

hear the silence of stillness. if you have never done this before try... try real hard. it's amazing what is available for us to hear but what we don't register. maybe we will hear that "golden opportunity " today, just because for once, we stopped and listened....

now touch. touch and hug yourself. you are beautiful. we all are. this is the best hug of the day. now go and enjoy :)

my new art piece....
ps obviously next one should be a sun rise..

Monday, June 9, 2008

book complete

yeah, my book is finished - topic: Business travelers and how to increase your productivity while traveling and how to avoid the pitfalls of travel.

to be published it the next 3 months.

looking for sponsors - any business people, please contact me .

Also launching the Sanxing Better Health home visit - anti-ageing programs. See website for more details .

Monday, May 26, 2008

"things can only get better" D:ream

what a wonderful 4 days.....have recently returned from a seminar on book writing with Gerry Robert - uh ha! Marketing guru, inspirational, week-end. the book is only the start. now i have to come up with $220,000 to complete book and make a number one seller. Which it will be. So much to write but really must settle kids in for bed. i really wanted to post the finished drawing that i have already posted. i gave this to Gerry today as a small appreciation of his time and effort - the whole week-end was put on for free. But i know behind the scenes it would have cost a lot for them to post it. anyway, thank you Gerry Robert, Paul and Shelley FOx and their helpers: Janet, Peter Henderson and Claire.

Book names: FAst Lane Living! Strategies and insider secrets to double you productivey while travelling. (thanks Gerry)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

drawing on the wall as it looks now. i have just put "getting square" on the DVD and will try to finish off the above drawing
average day of a single mum (well an average day in my life..)
5.30am up and dousing milk into a bottle neck to feed to Kalani (18months old)
6 am all up and playing Hi 5 Animal adventure (i must know all the songs back to front-inside out and upside down )
6.30am first round of breakfasts complete, second courses on offer
7 am still cooking as all took up 2nd round offers of toast or porridge
7.30am load up dish washer, dress Maisy and Kalani. Do a mum rant and rave which ensures they brush their teeth and hair
8am first drop off, then Mischa at school and Kalani to our nanny's place and he promptly walks into the door end - tears - wow the tears.
8.30am petrol
8.45 am arrive at my BNi (business meeting ) and today i give the presentation - diabetes being the request and something i am very passionate about.
1030am first patient
1130 am appoint in mermaid beach - so much traffic - lots of figure 8 U-turn here and there trying to beat the hold-ups in traffic and ending up way worse off - sigh
1220 pm yummy salad and mocha on the way back to work
see a few patients, go to gym for swim but pool being serviced (really disappointed as i love my swims). so go to the bank instead
3 pm pick up mischa
315pm collect kalani
330pm collect maisy
330-630 vaious mumsy things - cooking, bathing, a bit of work, and trying hard to get them to bed.
7 pm now have my art out and wanting to finish the attached piece but also feeling relaxed and ready for bed. come on second wind...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mary's wedding

great weekend. after working all night in intensive care at john flynn, and then in the clinic on satruday, i jazzed up and attended my friends (Mary and Andy's) wedding. the reception was at Q1 which was very special and great to catch up with all my mates!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

yeah, friday has come around - helped out a few patients. have kids this week-end, then swimming at byron on sunday in ocean swim. yeah :)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

venice canal pastel

19th april - having probs cutting and pasting. lets see how this goes
this is the start of me "posting" my art pieces. i intend to have them all framed and would love to sort out this internet thing - so i could do a piece a week/or night - and auction them - so i can raise money for an orphanage in Thailand/Laos/Cambodia. x