Monday, June 1, 2009

6 secrets to a good soup

I love a good soup! The advantages of making soups are enormous:

1. healthy
2. easy to digest
3. warm us up
4. cheap
5. easy to make

I believe soups are some of the most versatile foods to make. I will often recommend soup for when people are detoxing, feeling heavy with the flu, have upset tummies or just want a change from the meat and veg thing.

Here are 6 of my secrets:

1. Buy a good carcus or off-cut of meat instead of stock cubes. I use chicken carcuses (from butcher/chicken shops), shanks, bacon ribs or bones, (I think ribs make the best soup bones) and any other meat boney bit! Cover with water , add an onion and boil for approx 1 hour. Now you have a perfect base for ANY soup.

2. Buy vegies that are in season. Yesterday I bought the freshest, biggest head of celery i have ever seen. Straight into the soup for that one.

3. Use sea salt or celtic sea salt and herbs to enhance natural flavours. Don't use cream. It makes the soup less healthy, fattier and takes away from the yummy vegetable flavours.

4. Leave soup for general consumption to the following day if you can. The flavours are yummier and the soup tends to thicken.

5. Make enough for left overs. There is something sad about coming to the end of a good bowl of soup. Always make extra for the next day.

6. Soups freeze really well and make a great emergency meal.

Enjoy Bridgets,

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