As the prevalence of Swine-Flu-affected-persons increases in Queensland , over 50, as of this report (Tuesday 9th June 2009), I thought it pertinent to give you an up-date on what natural measures you can do to avert this virus. I am not going to call it a deadly virus – even though people have died from it – it generally runs the course of a normal “flu”.
In May and June of every year, there is an increase in croup, colds, flus and chest infections. The more aggressive the virus or bacteria (or virulent – this means the virus or bacteria can survive for a long time and is easily transmitted), – the more severe the symptoms experienced. IF your immune system is compromised (ie you are over worked and stressed, you are a child or an elderly person), the more likely the chances of developing complications from these nasty microscopic things.
Typical complications and symptoms from chest infections, croup and the flu include the following:
- pneumonia
- prolonged fatigue
- asthma like symptoms (chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheeze, spasm)
- other secondary infections
- pneumothorax (when you end up with a collapsed lung from coughing)
- weight loss (from decreased appetite)
If you are a parent – a prolonged chest infection means lots of worry about your child’s health, sleepless nights , and some one having to stay at home with the child.
If you are a worker (employee) this means you need to take sick leave, or leave without pay and try to recuperate.
If you are an employer, self-employed, or tradie, you will need to find some one to take over your job, or keep working despite feeling very sick and risk getting sicker, or cop a loss of income whilst not working.
If you are a student, you risk getting behind with the curriculum, behind with assignments and definitely no social life!
All in all, a day sick = a day lost.
Let’s talk about preventative strategies.
I suggest with cooking in winter months using the following potent immune boosters:
- garlic
- cayenne
- turmeric - horseradish
- foods high in Vitamin C (don’t over cook them or the Vitamin C is destroyed)
- eating foods high in zinc (nuts and seeds, shell fish)
Other proven strategies for boosting your immune system include taking a probiotic. I have practitioner only brands (very potent) or Inner Health, is OK for an over the counter purchase. (NB yogurts etc.. are very low in friendly bacteria).
Have a look at this youtube clip that I made (or found under byebyebridget1)
On a personal note
I received a letter from my daughter’s school this week which stated:
“.in the event of a confirmed case of Influenza H1N1 (Human Swine Flu) in a student attending your school, the school will be closed for up to seven days.”
This week, on the news, a school in Brisbane closed because a student’s sister (that didn’t attend the school ) was confirmed to have contracted the H1N1 virus. So clearly the education department is not running any chances. Parents this is serious! Isolation, which is the current strategy employed by the health department – then giving Tamiflu Vaccine is called “re-active”. I like to think that we are smarter than that and can be pro-active and pre-cautionary.
Personally I can’t afford (nor want my kids to be vulnerable) to this virus. I am boosting their immune systems.
I suggest getting yourselves and your children onto an immune boosting agent, such as Vitamin C, Echinacea or astragalus.
If you have Glandular Fever in the past, Ross River Virus or are elderly or young, you really should catch up with me so we can put in place a preventative strategy. If I was self-employed or had a job that involved contact with lots of people (ie: service industry, hospitality, travel or airlines) I would also be taking be taking preventative measures.
If you have an appointment with me in the next 3 weeks (ie until 27th June 2009) , I will give you FOR FREE, a proven immune boosting agent. It’s value will be insurmountable! Surely, like me , you can’t afford you or your family to be sick this winter.
I don’t want to become unwell and I don’t want any of my patients becoming unwell.
If you know someone that is currently not a patient and is at risk of catching the flu (ie self employed, run down, stressed, a child or elderly) I will give you 50% off your next to me for your referral.
Can you afford not to stay well this winter? I know I need to be fit and healthy and will definitely be taking an immune booster!
Give me a call if you are worried (0405 669 135 Australia or email or call your local hospital if you think you have Swine Flu.
NB : What I have discussed is my own research and generated for your own information.
There is more information on the QLD health department at :
Yours in Health, the HEALTH QUEEN
In May and June of every year, there is an increase in croup, colds, flus and chest infections. The more aggressive the virus or bacteria (or virulent – this means the virus or bacteria can survive for a long time and is easily transmitted), – the more severe the symptoms experienced. IF your immune system is compromised (ie you are over worked and stressed, you are a child or an elderly person), the more likely the chances of developing complications from these nasty microscopic things.
Typical complications and symptoms from chest infections, croup and the flu include the following:
- pneumonia
- prolonged fatigue
- asthma like symptoms (chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheeze, spasm)
- other secondary infections
- pneumothorax (when you end up with a collapsed lung from coughing)
- weight loss (from decreased appetite)
If you are a parent – a prolonged chest infection means lots of worry about your child’s health, sleepless nights , and some one having to stay at home with the child.
If you are a worker (employee) this means you need to take sick leave, or leave without pay and try to recuperate.
If you are an employer, self-employed, or tradie, you will need to find some one to take over your job, or keep working despite feeling very sick and risk getting sicker, or cop a loss of income whilst not working.
If you are a student, you risk getting behind with the curriculum, behind with assignments and definitely no social life!
All in all, a day sick = a day lost.
Let’s talk about preventative strategies.
I suggest with cooking in winter months using the following potent immune boosters:
- garlic
- cayenne
- turmeric - horseradish
- foods high in Vitamin C (don’t over cook them or the Vitamin C is destroyed)
- eating foods high in zinc (nuts and seeds, shell fish)
Other proven strategies for boosting your immune system include taking a probiotic. I have practitioner only brands (very potent) or Inner Health, is OK for an over the counter purchase. (NB yogurts etc.. are very low in friendly bacteria).
Have a look at this youtube clip that I made (or found under byebyebridget1)
On a personal note
I received a letter from my daughter’s school this week which stated:
“.in the event of a confirmed case of Influenza H1N1 (Human Swine Flu) in a student attending your school, the school will be closed for up to seven days.”
This week, on the news, a school in Brisbane closed because a student’s sister (that didn’t attend the school ) was confirmed to have contracted the H1N1 virus. So clearly the education department is not running any chances. Parents this is serious! Isolation, which is the current strategy employed by the health department – then giving Tamiflu Vaccine is called “re-active”. I like to think that we are smarter than that and can be pro-active and pre-cautionary.
Personally I can’t afford (nor want my kids to be vulnerable) to this virus. I am boosting their immune systems.
I suggest getting yourselves and your children onto an immune boosting agent, such as Vitamin C, Echinacea or astragalus.
If you have Glandular Fever in the past, Ross River Virus or are elderly or young, you really should catch up with me so we can put in place a preventative strategy. If I was self-employed or had a job that involved contact with lots of people (ie: service industry, hospitality, travel or airlines) I would also be taking be taking preventative measures.
If you have an appointment with me in the next 3 weeks (ie until 27th June 2009) , I will give you FOR FREE, a proven immune boosting agent. It’s value will be insurmountable! Surely, like me , you can’t afford you or your family to be sick this winter.
I don’t want to become unwell and I don’t want any of my patients becoming unwell.
If you know someone that is currently not a patient and is at risk of catching the flu (ie self employed, run down, stressed, a child or elderly) I will give you 50% off your next to me for your referral.
Can you afford not to stay well this winter? I know I need to be fit and healthy and will definitely be taking an immune booster!
Give me a call if you are worried (0405 669 135 Australia or email or call your local hospital if you think you have Swine Flu.
NB : What I have discussed is my own research and generated for your own information.
There is more information on the QLD health department at :
Yours in Health, the HEALTH QUEEN
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