Monday, September 27, 2010

Oestrogen (estrogen) imbalance in Women


Oestrogen (estrogen in Australia) is made by the woman’s ovaries and adrenals. It is also made by adipose tissue (fat cells).

There are 3 types of oestrogen.

Oestrone (E1) increases after menopause and accounts for 10-20% of oestrogen levels.

Oestradiol (E2) readily converts to E1, and is the most potent of the 3 oestrogens and is mainly produced by the ovaries.When the levels of E2 drop during menopause – flushes and night sweats can occur.

Oestriol (E3) is produced mainly throughout pregnancy. A topical cream derivative is used in post menopausal ladies for vaginal shrinkage (and painful intercourse) and urinary incontinence.

Normal oestrogen levels are responsible for the following:

- development of secondary sexual characteristics (eg breasts, widening of the hips, pubic hair).

- promotes the growth of the endometrial lining and breast tissue

- is necessary for development of longer bones

- improves memory

- increases fat stores

- protects against heart disease

- can be of assistance during menopause

Excessive Oestrogen  is also called Oestrogen Dominance.

In this very common hormone imbalance, women will feel some (not necessarily all) of the following:

- mood swings (including anxiety and depression)

- cellulite and fat

- headaches and migraines

- heavy or longer periods

- endometriosis or fibroids

- breast , ovarian and endometrial cancers

- pimples

- irritability, low energy and insomnia

The best way to check is to have a saliva hormone test. You can order these from the site or from your health care (make sure they specialist in hormone treatments and do saliva tests).

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