Monday, July 20, 2009

Low energy levels? Candida could be the problem

Are you lacking energy?

Do you suffer with headaches or bloating?

Then you could suffer from a very common condition caused by candida. Candida albicans is a common yeast that grows in the gastrointestinal tract of every person. Occasionally the environment in the gut changes and an overgrowth of this yeast occurs.

Some causes for the change in the gut environment can be
Use of antibiotics
Long term use of pill
A diet high in carbohydrates
Hormone imbalances
Sickness including operations
Yeast allergy

Symptoms vary for each person but typical symptoms include

Cravings for sugar, bread or alcohol
Digestive problems, bloating, wind or burping
Short term memory failure and concentration issues
Aches in the body, joints and muscle,
Extreme tightness in the shoulders
Hyper-acidity or reflux
Brown coloured mucous in the back of the mouth or white coated tongue
Unrefreshing sleep
Dark circles under the eyes
Chronic sinusitis
Dental problems
Over - sensitivity to perfume, tobacco, insecticides

Psychological symptoms may include
Panic attacks
Mood swings, recurring obsessive thoughts, paranoia

More physical symptoms
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Gluten and casein intolerance
Allergies, hayfever
Menstrual problems including PMS
Jock itch, athlete’s foot, toenail or fingernail fungus
Weight changes
Low libido

If left untreated Candida causes very serious immune problems and organ dysfunction such as hypothyroidism, infertility, impotence, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and the list goes on.

This usually takes a minimum of 3-6 months. Often vaginal thrush is treated with pessaries and creams but this does not address the candida growing in the gut.
Frequency specific microcurrent sends frequencies to the candida which kill it .

Oral herbals either in liquid or tablet form are my preferred way of treating candida. Often I will start you on an intense program then reduce the number or tablets with time.

Supplements and homeopathics
There are other supplements that maybe needed to help your body fight the infection caused by candida. Occasionally I will use homeopathics to desensitize you to the yeast. When your gut settles, I will start you on a probiotics. These are friendly bacteria that settle into your gut and protect you from re-invasion from candida.Many herbs have anti-candida properties and are essential in treatment.

Candida loves yeast and sugar however I find most people with candida find it very difficult to cut these foods out of their diet. I have also noticed that when the bug is being starved, cravings become more severe. I believe it is easier for people to have supplements to kill the yeast and modify dietary impactors secondary.

Confirmation of diagnosis
Candida can mimic 140 conditions. You can order a self-test kit from

Some general advice
You need to be motivated to kill this yeast. And tackling it head on is the best way to go. Often if one person has it, so will there partner and they will need treating aswell.If you think you have a candida infection, give me a call to see me as a client or see a naturopath close to you.

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