Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu


boost your immune systems! 

This is one of those times in the history of the human race, that we are potentially under threat. 

I am all for putting things into context. So let's look at some facts:

1. The number 1 killer in the world is gastro and diarrhoea (due to large numbers in Africa)
2. Large numbers of people (from every nation) die from "flu" (which is influenzae) and other viruses every year
3. Large numbers of people die from bacterial and protozoan infections every year (eg strept B, malaria)
4. Singapore is battling a Denghue fever outbreak with 432 new cases diagnosed just last week! That's 4027 cases this year, compared to 1679 cases for the same period last year.

What can you do:
a. Avoid Mexico (sorry pretty obvious)
b. Boost your immune system (see for more info)
c. Eat well, drink lots of water and rest if you are feeling run down or have swollen glands and achy joints, fevers
d. Avoid people whom have the "flu"
e. try to ventilate your home and work area where possible.
f. seek a medical opinion if you are concerned you are contaminated - letting the receptionist know when you call. They may wish to do a home visit so you don't contaminate the waiting room

Take care, rest well and be careful who you kiss,

health aware Bridget

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why wine signals the end of the "thinking part" to our day

i have been giving some thought to all my patients, myself and girlfriends and why we all love a drop of wine. Especially as the government recommends no more that 1-2 glasses per night, 1-2 nights per week.

Drinking wine can be a double-edge sword - it relaxes us, gives us a sugar hit and i think signals to ourselves that "we have knocked off" from whatever it is we started and can chill out and put on a different mask. Our happy, non serious, "just me" mask.

This is all well and good if we don't develop a habit or a need to have a wine to feel the above (ie do you drink to feel relaxed, feel its ok to be you, or to give yourself a little confidence high to go out). If so, then the 1-2 (3-5 glasses of wine a night) can become a problem. I talk first hand of course and i am sure many will relate to this.

The above paragraphs are something i will research with time. In the meantime i would ask that you do 2 things:
1. when you go to have your next glass of wine, ask "why am i having this- is it to relax - am i anxious, irritable, nervous?"
2. self reflect when you drink. Do you change when you have a drink? Are you more relaxed, nicer or is that just what you think happens. Ask people around you. Maybe the opposite happens - maybe you become aggressive, vocal and opinionated. Find out.

With time we will put together the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle. The answer may not be to have wine, every single time. There maybe other options (like chocolate - ok that was meant to be a joke).
have a great day,
ponderous Bridget

April Fools day - gotta love a joke

Bridgets, do you like a joke about yourself? I love a joke at my own expense myself, if I'm in a good mood of course. Today was a classic. My Mr Big sent an sms through saying "today is a great day, as Shane Warne is coming out of retirement." Well I took the bait and about 3 sms later realised he was taking the "piss" as they say. Well I licked my wounds and had a big fat giggle. I mean really, Shane Warne, HAH! Shane who... That is, afterall , what April Fools day is all about. Having a giggle - sometimes at someone's else's expense but often at your own. love Bridget

Bridget Jones' anthym

Bridgets - All by myself - is one of those very unifying songs. I love it... and yes, I like, you, didn;t realise at the time of watching Bridget Jones (feeling like a freak because i thought i was watching myself being played out on the big screen) and then finding out that all females between the ages of 30 - 40 yo feel the same!I know we all need the valleys so we can have the mountains - the ying and yang etc, but somewhere in between would be much easier to adhere to and less traumatic on the scales, on the chocolate and on one's self esteem. You know- why can't we just be "moderate-high-happy" all the times, as aposed to majorly flat (ok depressed even), so that we can be "off the richter" happy and cheery for days on end! Moderation - an enigma.adios bridgets

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bridget sometimes you have to cut your losses

Bridgets - a big day for bridg here. I am going to overhall the byebyebridget site . I have learned a lot about web design, the internet industry (it is currently very difficult to know whom to trust) and how to bring a concept to reality.
Check it out over the next few weeks, lol Bridget

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bridget fesses up

is it bad to sneak and eat your children's Easter Eggs to satisfy a do-or-die chocolate urge?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

SMS etiquette

Bridgets, TGIF!
(That's thank-god-its-friday).... Don't know why I say that as everyday is a hoot, but there is a certain air of anticipation, expectation and excitment on a Friday.
Today I wanted to urge all sms uses to apply some courtesy as this week I have encountered some breeches in the "yet-to-be-put-in-stone" SMS etiquette laws. Until then, I think the following should apply:
1. SMS at reasonable times. It's not OK to sms someone with something trivial at 11pm. Do it in the morning.
2. Always sign off with your name
3. If someone is clearly asking for feedback or a response - do so. If it is only a reminder sms - you don't need to respond, unless your plans change
4. sometimes it is appropriate to call someone (ie discussion) rather than sms. If you are unsure send the person a "sounder-outera" EG "hey, is it ok if i give you a call or do you mind me sms about something..". The person will let you know what suits at that point
5. Some people prefer sms and others don't. Personally I use sms alot as I sendat least 50 every day to different people, so for me it saves time (if i made 50 phone calls, there's the 1 minute good bye etc... and i would lose an hour each day). Work out who likes sms or calling. It's as easy as asking "do you mind if I sms or would you prefer I call".

So Bridgets, have a brilliant TGIF and wonderful week-end,

love Bridge x