Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Preparing for a DUST STORM

As the Eastern Boarder of Australia is on high alert for winds and dust storms, it is important to protect your health and your property. Here are a few pointers:

1. Purchase face masks for the family (pharmacy, hard ware shop)
2. Don't plan things for the outdoors if you suffer with asthma or hayfever (Eg delay BBqs, have planned gatherings inside eg cafes, pubs, homes)
3. Carry ventolin puffers on you (and purchase one if you can't find yours)

1. Pack everything possible up and drape other items with cover sheets if you have them
2. take clothes off the line
3. pull pool covers over swimming pools
4. pick up all lose items and bring inside
5. lock sheds
6. bring cars into undercover parking if possible
7. Close all the windows in the house

Good luck

1 comment:

Jean said...

thanks for sharing.

From me to you, suejean =)