Saturday, March 14, 2009

Red Mars Bars?!

Bridgets don't get conned!!

Mars bar have brought out a "red bar" apparently with half the fat.
"Does that mean we can have 2?", (of course we all want to know)....
It is that similar to "low calorie" Blonde beers?
"Does that mean we can have 2 beers instead of one"?

It's all working on our vulnerable sub-conscience. Don't fall for it Bridgets....

Some other things that don't equate bridgets...
- being in a relationship doesn't always equal double (or even more) happiness...
- having a nicer looking house doesn't always equal double the assets than someone else. It usually means, double the debt and mortgage!
- being continually busy and having a hundred and one engagements doesn't always equal multiple friendships, increased popularity etc.. it often means: loneliness and not wanting to be alone all week-end!

No, Bridgets! Be strong, look hard, and off-set your vodka with soda, your mortgage with a tenant or man and always keep your friendships going, even during those times when you are madly in love and have forgotten that the rest of the world exists.

PS and maybe 1 1/2 of Mars Reds instead of 1.

Ciao for now, Bridget

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