Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can you gain 1 kg over the day?

I have many clients who report gaining 1-3 kg on the scales, over one single day!

This massive gain in weight, can only be water! You don't eat that much food in a day and things don't just become "heavier" inside you. It's just water retention.

One major cause of this water retention is NaCl (or plain old table salt) and take aways (and restaurants) are one place you will find ALOT of salt being used.

So, today I read the ingredients of Subways rolls and wraps, in what I thought were "OK" take away alternative.

I have posted the break downs on the website, but basically a meatball 6" sub is 1550 mg of sodium. The RDI for sodium is <2000mg per day!

So what maybe marketed as healthy and low fat, and what we may think is " zone friendly" , is actually not very healthy in another very important contributor to health issues, Western Diets are very high in sodium, which leads to hypertension and kidney failure.

It might be useful to have a sodium-rating so people can at least become educated to the sodium levels of foods. This way if they need to watch for fluid retention as it may precipate Heart Failure, or renal failure, people can make an educated decision.

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