Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Holy COW - my meat is on steroids?!

Did you realise that "they" pump most meat available in the larger commercial supermarkets with hormones?



Hormones + some grains + cow = 4 kg gain in meat a day!

This is why commercial or grain fed beef is not necessarily the "best" for your body or the cow (for that matter).

Now, I love a good hearty steak. It gives you lots of iron (= muscles and energy) and meat is high in protein. However, not all steaks will make the cut.

Craig my butcher, was telling me today, that in Australia we have a meat association that grades meat. According to him, Coles and Woolies are not a part of this association (suprise).

The Meat Standards Australia (MSA) grade meat based on DNA and texture etc.... It is graded out of 17. My mate, Craig, only accepts meats less than 6. This means a better quality. The MSA also provides a down time until the cut will be at it's optimum.

I was suprised to hear that the cow has usually been slaughtered and hung for approx 10 days before making it to the butcher. Then they let it "tenderize" depending on the MSA rating - which recommends how many days until it will reach it's optimum. Eg MSA 3 @ 5 days.

Coles and Woolies apparently would need to leave their meat for 20+ days to achieve the same MSA rating.

All very interesting, if not a little obscure.

So I would suggest avoiding all exogenous hormones (ie ones your body doesn't make itself) and eat "hormone free" beef where you can.

Cost - a little more expensive. Maybe worth a small chocolate bar difference. So worth it!

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