Friday, April 30, 2010

Multivitamins linked to breast cancer

In recent weeks the media have been discussing the link between taking a multivitamin and breast cancer. While I am shocked, like everyone, the study needs putting in context.

Firstly and foremost. There are many stronger studies proving illness as a consequence of taking something, so don’t be pressured to stop taking your multi-vitamin by someone who is not recently trained in biochemistry and qualified in natural medicine. It’s not their place.

Designs of studies.

The design of a study is very important when interpreting the results.

1. PROOF : I have given an examples where there is a direct causative link that is proven to occur by doing  X. EG: When x = smoking…

If you smoke cigarettes you will end up with lung changes. OR one can say smoking = lung changes.

2. PROVEN RISK FACTORs: Other studies prove a risk factor, For example:

If you don’t breast feed, don’t have children, drink cows milk, and wear under-wires in your bras, you have a higher risk of developing breast cancer (ref H. Lawson – Preventing Breast Cancer).

Another example:

Elevated cholesterol has been shown to increase your likelihood of having a heart attack. But people still have heart attacks with normal cholesterol levels. So there is a proven association but you can not say : ^ cholesterol = heart attack.

3. ASSOCIATIONS are noted in studies incidentally. That means the study was not designed to prove a particular point or may have been looking at a totally different aspect and an association in another area was noted in the results. For example:

People who took a multivitamin appeared to have an increase risk of breast cancer. This was merely an observation.

I will discuss this multi and breast cancer study more in the next blog… HQ

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