Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"be there" this Christmas

Bridget et al

Merry Christmas one and all.

Even though i am sitting finishing off a few things on, and watching a classic: Alandin does Morocco (Can't remember the title) all is good. I actually like a bit of down time - a bit of me time. I can be the "Life of the party" and love people, but having some down time helps keep the balance (and essential).

Do you ever find that you mind can get wound up like a spring when you are always busy, talking, giving advice, energy, racing around buying, being a parent, working etc.... the only times my spring uncoils are when i exercise (which is at least daily) , when i am on my own either outside for 5 minutes at night, or relcining on the couch (which is very rare). When i do have these "unwinding moments" I totally relax. The more you practice the better you become at relaxing.
A great mentor of mine, whom I have only known a short time, is Ronnie Kagan (he has written a book called The Winning Way and worth the read if you are in business). He does yoga, relaxation etc every day. What a great mentor!

Seeing as i make the time to relax, I tell myself "to relax" and tell myself " shutting all thoughts our is the same as a 2 hours sleep".

My body responds well. I usually come out of my relaxed state/trance/meditiation - what ever you want to call it, ready to rock and roll.

So my greatest advice to you, especially if you are a parent, is to be there. Go away first - have a quick walk, 5-10 mins hiding, just power yourself up so you can "be there" when everyone else is around.
This Christmas BE there. The day is here. People are with you because they are lucky (and smart enough) to know and value you you! Honour that and in return "be there" .

I mean - switch off to stress. Don't get anxious. ENJOY. BE there in the moment, evey moment. IF you stray, bring yourself back. Say "I am here and I love this day and moment".

To me this is the greatest gift you will give anyone this Christmas.

Have a beautiful Christmas Day whatever you are doing. You are amazing. Bridget in health

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