Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sugar Master

B et al, Forget sugar daddy, as sweet as sugar - try Sugar Master that needs to be banished by Sugar Slayer!

I am certain the 1-2 glasses of wine that we drink each night is just as much about the sugar fix, as it is the habit or the desire to be slightly numb or relaxed.

Just as the last 15 years saw a massive rise in Australians with Diabetes (according the Aus Diabestity report - commissioned by the then Health Minister, Michael Woodridge, in 2000) with sickening statistics like :

- 1 in 4 Australians over the age of 25, have an impaired glucose intolerance problem
- other amazingly poor stats that i will look up at work first before i quote them.....

So I believe that many of us are plain and simply hooked on sugar (which is the main reason we develop an impaired glucose problem - saturating ourselves and faces with sugar rich foods and refined carbohydrates!

The understanding of diabetes and metabolic issues in the current medical paradigm is that it only encompasses diabetes type 1 and 2, and gestational diabetes. I am sure in the next 5 years it will be recognised that PCOS (poly cystic ovarian symdrome) , and regular alcohol drinkers, chocoholics, high soft drink consumers and bakery-addicts all have the same problem. An addiction to sugar!

Treating it is tricky as most people get a slight feeling of euphoria shortly after eating or drinking wine or beer , as their blood sugar starts to rise.

Then after a short time, this short-lived elation leads to irritability, anxiousness, binge behaviours and yelling or tiredness.

The way to releave these negative effects is another fix (fix of sugar that is).

So off we go to the cupboard or fridge and have some more. We can repeat the cycle many times until we go, enough, and go to bed. Not before consuming 30-200% more in calories than we needed for that day.... then the weight creeps on and you know the rest....

I will present some solutions and suggestions for tackling the sugar addictions next.


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