Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 Amnesty

Bridgets, Ok, before we declare our long-thought-out D & Ms and New Year's Resolutions - I have decided to rid my 2008 baggage by returning all items borrowed. (And I would love it if people did the same) .
Imagine - maybe a "Return-all-loaned-items-amnesty-day" where we all , without shame, just handed back stuff we have been loaned or borrowed. And we could be promted or prompt people with an email or sms, or if it $, a big dirty fat note.

I am thinking of returning a few books seeing as I am not reading many at the moment. I would feel much better borrowing them again at a latter date . I am sure that will deminish some of the guilt I feel whenever I see the items.

And if you have any of my tupperware bowls (and lids) you know who you are!!!!, can I please have them back.

I am about to scrap my "tupperware draw" which was as iconic to me as owning a Victa lawn mower - sigh I worked so hard for my beautiful plastic and flash features - but now , unless I see a few things come back, i am going to liberate myself and scrap it. Gone, banished...actually it feels really liberating just entertaining the idea. Maybe 2009 is the year to return tupperware to it's rightful owners... step forward you Tupperware Queens - I am sorry - I think I was masquerading s a tupperware princes, and wasn't totally up for the long haul. I find cheapies suit me fine now days ...shame....

So if you have borrowed any items, loaned , leant or otherwise - I say we declare 9/1/9 National "return-any-items-borrowed-day" to their rightful owners.


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