Tuesday, January 13, 2009

over coming fear # 2

birdgets - have you been taking everything on board as feedback? I have - much better. I feel less defensive, less offended, more gratiful - bizarre that such a little change in how I filter things can make such a massive difference.

Well there is even more to work on...

And this one is another of my Demons - I think and imagine an idea and go full on, full out and feel slashed to the knees if I draw a blank or negative response. Know what I mean?

For example, since I have been single over the last 7 months, I have asked 1 guy (only 1 guy), if he wanted to catch up (as a mate mind you) and he deflected my request to the keeper - How devasting - I am now bound to solitary confinement and feel about the height of an ant in the "ask a boy out stakes"!

So really I should take his non-communicado as "feedback". Haha - Aussie blokes - that's another kettle of fish.

Anyway back to everyday failures and successes. The take home lesson is Be persistant. I remember the old saying "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.." baring in mind the definition of a fool is "doing the same thing and expecting a different result". So persist but mix it up, try something different. Try coming in from the side.

It's also very important, as I am learning, not to take things personally. Most people make decisions based on what';s in their head, not on what you have presented. And what people think and interpret is totally out of your control - (to a degree). I am trying to not be as hard on myself and see things are experiences not judgements of my personality.

As Don and Anton will both ask if you see them as coaches is what was the mistake?,why did it happen, and what could you do better next time. Just try to take the lessons and don't beat yourself up.

Then find the silver lining and move on.

have fun bridget

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